Company profile

Company profile

Petco-Energy is an American energy development and consulting firm that provides early detection of large energy projects in the Mediterranean Region in general and Israel in particular.  Petco selects and engages the most competitive U.S energy firms to meet the needs of the selected energy project.  Petco is monogamous – representing one and only one client as to a particular project. 


Israel’s emergence as a major natural gas producer and its ongoing evolution to a gas-based economy provides many capital project opportunities as the country moves to monetize its abundant gas resources.  Petco’s role is to position our clients in the driver’s seat to secure energy projects.


Established over 35 years ago, Petco initially focused on petroleum and coal-related projects, inspiring the Company's name. In keeping with evolving trends, the firm now dedicates its efforts to projects that utilize natural gas as a feedstock, such as power, petrochemicals, LNG and natural gas infrastructure.


The Company has earned its reputation as a respected developer in Israel’s energy market, with a successful track record facilitating billions of dollars of transactions for Petco’s clients. Petco is recognized for the high quality US clients it brings to the region for these high profile projects.  Petco’s credibility and vast network in the Israeli and Mediterranean energy sector enables us to provide clients with first-mover access to and reliable information about new energy project opportunities. 


As projects evolve and obstacles emerge, Petco’s team is adept at real time problem resolution as a recognized local and regional energy player.  Petco’s management team has decades of experience and an extensive relationship network that enables Petco to resolve problems expeditiously. 


Israel is a complex and challenging market with a unique business culture best navigated by those with a deep knowledge of its history, institutions, regulations, opinion leaders and politics, among other factors.  The team at Petco is expert at opening doors and navigating obstacles to win contracts by creating a compelling value proposition with our clients and delivering to the local marketplace.